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charcoal powder ball briquette machine

charcoal powder ball briquette machine
Our advantages:

1.Professional briquetting press machine manufacturer

2.High briquetting ratio

3.High pressure

4.Durable & energy-saving

5.Offer installation guide

Rated 4.9/5 based on 289 customer reviews

charcoal powder ball briquette machine

charcoal powder ball briquette machine
Charcoal Coal Ball Briquettes Uses Briquette Press Machine

Some demands of coal charcoal briquette machine

(1) Inlet raw material need less than 3mm, as all know, the smaller the material, the better the briquettes.

(2) The material can’t be mixed with metal material, or the mold is easily damaged.

(3) The raw material moisture need be controlled between 12%-15%.

(4) A certain proportation of liquid binder and charcoal powder, we will offer the proportation formula after we finished the order for free.


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